Monday, May 31, 2010

Extra Large

We went to Petco today to buy Shady some food and found her favorite sheepie - in XL form! It's bigger than she is! It was a must purchase sheep.


My aunt forwarded me this email with weird faces drawn on food. I enjoyed this one the most:

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Happy Birthday Hammy

It's my birthday today! Don't have any special plans but enjoyed a nice dinner with my cousin, her hubby and the kids last night at Curry House. My niece Rae Rae's birthday present to me:

I can't believe I'm 25! Well, my 6th anniversary of being 25.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Our two week Europe trip to Switzerland and Italy has finally ended. It is good to be home! We had lots of fun traveling with our friends (+ 2 moms) - ate a lot of pasta, drank a lot of wine. Photos to be uploaded and shared soon!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Ciao Bella!

I'm heading to Europe (mainly Italy) for two weeks with the hubby and some friends in a few hours. I've been a bit busy this last week or so but I will promise to update when I return! I miss writing on my blog! I'm going to miss all my fans who follow my blog...I think there's a total of 5 people.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

There is a God afterall....

I backed into a porche today while exiting my parking spot at Santana Row. I seriously wanted to cry. I was so nervous I was shaking. Luckily, the guy was nice enough to let me go and forget about it because there was no real damage to the car. Thank God.

It was all because I wanted to use my birthday coupon from Anthropolgie. I hate you Anthropologie. Actually, no I don't. At least I did get away with a cute striped top.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Hammy's Back

I got back late last night and was picked up by my godson's papa. He was nice enough to come get me even though it was so late. My godson's mama even made me a dinner plate because she's so thoughtful like that and wasn't sure if I had eaten before my flight. I wish I had taken a picture of the dinner plate because it was so cute. Too bad I inhaled the food on the way home. Why can't men be that thoughtful as well?

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Goodbye Chicago, Goodbye Michigan

Sooz and Jim took us to a lesbian owned cafe called "Tweet" this morning for breakfast before we headed back to Michigan. I ordered the corned beef hash with scrambled eggs and it was scrumptious. The hubby ordered crab cakes with hollandaise sauce and it too was scrumptious! Chicago is yummilicious. Thanks Sooz and Jim, for a wonderful weekend in Chicago!

We didn't have enough time to drive back to the apartment so the hubby drove me directly to the airport. I don't think I will ever be back in Ann Arbor, Michigan again. Not sure if I ever want to be. Goodbye Michigan!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Surprise Surprise!

The hubby, Shady and I made a quick trip to Chicago and surprised my cousin Sooz and her hubby Jim today. It was so good to see them! I love their pup Aiko - she is soon going to have a human sibling! We strolled around the park with the pups and I even got two moles removed by my dermatologist cousin. She is awesome. We went to Wicker Park and had dinner at a restaurant called "Hot Chocolate" - the dessert was phenomenal as was the food. I heart Chicago.