Thursday, May 19, 2011


Hammy has definitely been on a long hiatus! There's a reason why though. And that would be this:

For those of you who don't know what the hell that is, it is basically this:

And that, my lovelies, is a 6 week fetus. Yep, I got knocked up. It definitely wasn't in my plans, at least not yet, but I guess stuff happens. I didn't believe it - even after peeing on a stick three times. But apparently, those suckers don't lie. Went to the doctor and well.. you know the rest.

I had been battling nausea and vomiting since week 7 of my pregnancy. I could barely get out of bed and I just felt incapacitated. It was just miserable! But - there was a light at the end of the tunnel. The morning sickness had finally subdued by week 13 and I'm now 15 weeks and finally feeling like a normal human being. Well, except for the volcanic pimples on my face and the fat that has been generously exploding out of my body. Oh and the extra body hair that seems to be growing out of nowhere. Whoever made up the term "pregnancy glow" is a liar. I guess Hammy just isn't quit suitable for pregnancy, is she?!

I guess I am getting old though and it would have had to happen sooner or later. Good news is that this baby moose is healthy and growing at a normal pace. There's so much to update, but I thought I'd just share this bit of news first because I have been m.i.a for way too long. It sure feels nice to be back!

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