Friday, December 17, 2010

wedding part deux

As previously blogged, the BFF and her hubby are back in town for their wedding banquet. Weddings in Taipei are a little bit different than ones in the states. I've gone to quite a few here so I know what to expect. The bff and her hubby however, had no idea. They walked into the banquet room (around 500 peope) through dry ice; there was a dynamic food show that ended with an explosion; it was a 12 course meal; and the president of Taiwan (Mr. Ma) was a guest. He happened to be the bff's parents' high school and college classmates. Talk about a high profile wedding! Of course, we had tons of fun - even if we were seated at the end of the ginormous banquet hall. Photos were difficult to take but I managed to shoot a few.

mr. and mrs. le cub

president ma's grand exit

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