Saturday, June 18, 2011

today was a good day..

The BFF took us for a tour of her and her cub's new Silverlake pad this morning and boy, was it scrumptious! Here, a preview from the backyard deck:

Soon, the renovations will be over and done with and they'll be able to move in. We can't wait for their housewarming party!

Following the tour, we had brunch at Cafe Stella, a cute little place nearby and then cupcakes at Lark Cake Shop, also right around the corner. I got the Chocolate Mocha Cupcake below, and this lil guy was just as scrumptious as the BFF's new home. Silverlake is full of wonderful surprises! So glad the BFF is moving to this neighborhood.

In the evening, we met up with an old high school friend and his wife, who also happens to be preggers. We all chatted over burgers, sweet potato fries, truffle fries, smushed potatoes (fries) and beer (water for me. boo) at Umami Burger, which was phenomenal! I was so hungry by the time the food came out that I forgot to snap some photos! Thankfully, I heard an Umami was opening up in San Francisco, so I will be able to take some photos when I visit that one.

As Ice Cube says, today was a good day.

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