Monday, June 14, 2010

I'm melting!

But my fat is not. It's 90 degrees out there and I just don't know what to do about my fat...I'm hoping the heat will miraculously melt it all away. Or I may just have to join weight watchers with the BFF.

I finally reunited with my godson and his mama today after 4 weeks of not seeing the both of them! We were supposed to go swimming (yes, even with my fat), but we ended up going to Tea Station for shaved ice and chicken wings instead. Twas just too hot. There was no way we could have let my godson have damaged skin! It was SO good to see them.

Later tonight I went over to a friend's place for a True Blood Season 3 premiere party. Creepy, I know. But I'm just prepping for the premiere of "Eclipse"!
True Blood billboards all around Los Angeles:

1 comment:

.......... said...

i can't wait to see eclipse!!! er, no. i actually just want to see robert pattinson. pathetic much?