Wednesday, February 17, 2010

For Sale: Crap

I have so much crap. Is it because I'm a girl?! Probably. I need to donate/sell/throw away everything I don't need/use/wear. I wish I could hire a personal crap organizer so that s/he could help me do away with my stuff.

I found a pair of oversized Timberland Boots that have never been worn. Why in the world do I own a pair of those? I must have been going through my gangsta phase. I also own so many other pairs of shoes, many of which are too big! Must a girl really need so many pairs of shoes? Well, I guess I already know the answer to that.

And what should I do with strange presents I received? I know I said I enjoy getting gifts and all but sometimes, these not-in-my-taste gifts become a waste of space like myself. Maybe donation will do. I feel less guilty that way - who knows, maybe someone will put to use that Holiday Tea Light Lamp.

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