Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Chine-tine's Day!

Today is both Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day.. so it's Chine-tine's Day!
Last night I had dinner in Piedmont with my relatives and some of my Aunt's family friends. My Aunt ordered enough food for all of the Chinese people on this planet. The best dish was dessert - fried bananas with coconut ice cream (yes, at a Chinese restaurant):

My little niece kept me entertained. At 5 years old, she has more artistic talent than I possess:

She also enjoyed the "Bubblewrap" game on my iphone. She even beat my highest score. It's pure genius.

Early evening today, I met up with another bff of mine at Santana Row. Being Valentine's Day, I didn't want to steal her away from her hubby, but she was kind enough to meet me for some tea since my hubby is 3000 miles away. She brought her baby boy J, who is the cutest thing ever! She's also one of those superhot mamas who doesn't even look like she just had a baby. Love her or hate her? Love her of course. I was anointed Godmother during our tea session - well, more like I asked if I could be his godma so it was basically forced - I still need the Daddy's approval, but no matter. She said yes, so I'm happy! I think being baby J's Godmamma is the closest I will ever get to becoming a mother for now. By choice. I do love him though!

Santana Row was full of couples dining in love tonight. We walked down the row and grumbled "Valentine's Day is overrated." Deep down however, we both miss our honeymoon period. Our hubbies are so lucky to have us. And I'm sure glad we have each other - girlfriends are the best!

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