Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I don't know how I got sick, but I'm convinced it's because I'm too girly. Emotional stress makes me sick! Another reason why I wish for a peepee. I spoke to another girlfriend of mine today, and she also wishes for a peepee and thinks that emotional stress makes her sick. I'm glad she agrees with me.

I realized if I died right now, no one would know. Well, except for my pup Shady. But she probably wouldn't care. I wish she could make me some chicken noodle soup because I'm too lazy to drive to the supermarket to get a can. Nothing special going on in my waste-of-space life today. Oh, but I did receive in the mail our Paris Passes and my memory card for my new camera! I'm so very excited... I cannot wait to chomp on phallic-looking baguettes while touring the City of Light and taking photos with my new Olympus E-P1! (As you can see, I AM penis-obsessed). Let's hope I last 'till then!

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