Thursday, February 11, 2010

Hellooooo Dumb Dumb

I was so excited to see a package at my front door this morning when I let Shady out to peepee. I loooove getting packages in the mail, especially stuff I order online. I'm not waiting for anything, so it must be a surprise! Sure enough, it was a box of Recchiuti chocolates from my beloved significant other. Usually I'm the one sending him chocolates since he's the chocolate fan. Here's what the card read:

How romantic is he? Hellooooo dumb dumb? And fattening me up before our Paris trip? (I ate 6 out of the 16 chocolates already. It's working.) Thanks honey, I love you too. Wait 'till he receives his gift in the mail. We're so not the romantic type, but I do love surprises though - big, small, cheap, expensive, homemade, giftcards, no matter. It's the thought that counts. Anyone who says they don't like receiving gifts are in denial. I'm thankful for the gift! I hope he will appreciate his...

I went to a Night Photography workshop for my Photography class tonight and found it quite fun and informational. My instructor Kate is super duper nice and very knowledgeable in the subject. I can actually take photos at night with my point and shoot Canon now. YAY! (Still figuring out the E-P1 so didn't bring that to the workshop). Can't wait to try on my E-P1!

1 comment:

.......... said...

dumb, dumb-dumb-DUMB!

i love you.
and because i do, let me sing you a song.

"does your dick hang low, does it wobble to and fro? can you tie it in a knot? can you tie it in a bow? can you throw it over your shoulder, like a continental shoulder, does your dick... hang... low?"

the answer is no. because you don't have one.

and if you did, i'd shove it in a box.


happy valentine's day, hammy.