Monday, February 8, 2010

ME. I wish I had a penis

I was on the phone with my BFF late last night, asking her how I can be more manly. I want to be just like her - no feelings and non-sentimental. My only conclusion is that I need a penis. I have penis envy. This closest thing I have to a penis is this (courtesy of the BFF):

We ended up chatting online with another one of her non-sentimental friends and discussed what we would do if we each had a penis. Here's what I would do: (picture to come)

My BFF would stick it in a box. Like JT and AS:

I can't remember what my BFF's non-sentimental friend would do with her penis, but when I do, I will add it to the post. Our 1.5 hour conversation about penises spurred me to start posting on my blog, which I believe has existed since 2007. My first entry ever, and it's about my wishing for a penis! Clearly, this blog is going to be about nothing.

1 comment:

.......... said...

i'd like to see this peepee. In a box.