Sunday, March 21, 2010

Attack of the Baby Mamas

I attended a going-away party for a high school friend of mine who is moving back to Taiwan. There were quite a lot of people and food - one attendee made 5 gourmet pizzas. I ate a slice of each. I promise, my detox diet begins tomorrow.

There were also a lot of babies and baby mamas. Lately, all the parties I've been to have been filled with those. My biological clock may be ticking but I'm not ready to sacrifice my time just yet. I haven't even figured out what I want to do with my life! I'm starting to feel like I'll never figure it out ... maybe I was meant to be a waste-of-space housewife? Sigh... I need a sign from God. Wait, I'm not religious, so a sign from anyone will do.

1 comment:

.......... said...

such a cute drawing. loving your variety of baby mamas.

i'm still on the fence about ankle biters.