Sunday, March 28, 2010

Girlfriends are forever

It was yet another lazy Sunday afternoon spent with my godson and his mama today. I haven't seen him for at least two weeks and I swear, he has grown! He's the cutest baby ever. As we sat outside Fantasia chatting over tea, two old, shriveled up trannies walked by us in super high heels - one in tight black leggings and the other in daisy duke jean shorts. We've seen a lot of douchebags and nasty women at Santana Row, but never this! It was a total shocker. We were speechless.

I love spending time with my godson and his mama. Sometimes, I can totally understand why women become lesbians. We just understand each other a lot more than the opposite sex - and we are a lot cleaner! I miss being in the honeymoon period when I actually thought I was "special". No, it's not even that time of the month. I'm sending my love to all my girlfriends because they are the best! Girlfriends (and diamonds) are forever.

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