Saturday, March 20, 2010

Love and Joy

Today was a fun filled Saturday. Me, my godson's mama and two other gal pals enjoyed high tea at Lovejoy's, a cute little tea room in the city, followed by Bi-Rite ice cream and then pastries at Tartine's. I so wanted to get a croissant but I was just too full!

On my way home, I stopped by Target to get some more cold medicine. Browsing through the aisles, I found a wonderful surprise - release of the "New Moon" DVD! A midget Target employee was trying to get around my cart and then complained "People are going crazy over this New Moon stuff. So stupid!"... I laughed, picked up a dvd off the shelf, and then dropped it in my cart.

I found another surprise when I got home. My BFF sent me a "just because" gift! In the package was an awesome card and a beautiful necklace. She truly understands me and my needs. Thank you BFF!


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work out to this, pammy! you can download these mashups for free:);