Friday, March 19, 2010

Mr. & Mrs. Smith

I hate going to the dentist. But my dentist is pretty awesome. He plays movies for me every time I go in to get my teeth cleaned. Yesterday, I went in for a cleaning and I got to watch "Mr. & Mrs. Smith." Angelina Jolie is so effin' hot. I would become a lesbian for her. I wouldn't mind settling for Mr. Pitt either though. I got nervous when my dentist started laughing - he was watching the movie too.

My godson's mama is back at work and I went into her classroom today to help her 3rd graders type up a summary they wrote from last week. They just began to learn word processing. Everyone had their own Macbooks and USB flash drive. How things have changed since I was in 3rd grade. I think they know how to operate a computer more than my parents know how!

1 comment:

.......... said...

super cute drawing, pammy pams!!! the colors are cute too!

i still hate dentists. i have an urge to bite down on his hands every time i see mine.