Monday, March 15, 2010

Good deed

I made a run to Costco today to restock on paper towels, toilet paper, kleenex, and all the good stuff. While waiting in line to pay for my goods, the man behind me asked if he could checkout first since he only had two items. I'm usually pretty nice about this stuff but something about him was annoying. Maybe it was the fact that he just kept trying to push his cart in front of mine even before asking! Plus, I was in a hurry to get home. Here is how the conversation went down:

Man (whistling or something): Excuse miss, I only have two things.
Me (staring at him in the face and then looking at his cart): I don't have that many things either, they're just big items.
Man: Would you let me go in front of you? See, I have this roasted chicken.
Me: Well, since it's roasted it's not going to spoil. You can wait.
Man (Still trying to push his cart in front of mine): I only have two items. Please you can do a good deed today and let me go first.
Me (Clearly annoyed and reluctant): Just ask the couple in front of me then if you want to go first.

Of course the nice Indian couple in front of me said yes and the annoying man got his way. I wanted to stuff that roast chicken down his throat. Obviously, I am not a good samaritan.

1 comment:

.......... said...

how dare he cut in front of the one and only huo twei gong zhu... i hate everyone.